Why Motion Massage?

Heal acute and chronic injuries
Release patterns of holding tension
De-stress and soothe your nervous system
Develop practices for resilience
learn new ways to befriend your body
Liberate emotional and creative energy
Transform chronic pain
Feel safer and more at home in yourself
Gently release negative habits

Our Services

Deep Tissue & Myofascial Release
Experience a unique combination of Deep Tissue Massage & Myofascial Release. There is no better way to achieve a truly thorough release of tension. Deep tissue work and Myofascial Release are great for increasing range of motion & for injury prevention, working with injuries or muscles that are tight from chronic stress & overuse. If desired, a few mindfulness cues at the beginning can help the body and mind settle, making the session more effective.

Thai Massage
Want to feel energized, wonderfully relaxed, and taller? Thai Massage offers the best of both worlds, combining stretching and deep tissue massage. Enjoy reclining on super cozy foam mats, while having your kinks worked out and your muscles stretched. Clients have called it yoga for lazy people. Starting your Thai Massage by being guided into a state of mindfulness, helps achieve a deeper state of relaxation. It is even more effective when combined with Integrative Bodywork to gain a deeper understanding of the underlying issues causing your discomfort.

Craniosacral Therapy
Enjoy a wonderfully relaxing Craniosacral Therapy session, that is deeply supportive of your nervous and immune systems. After beginning by accessing a state of mindfulness, the parasympathetic nervous system, which is responsible for relaxing and restoring your whole system, becomes dominant and your body goes into healing mode. Though the work is subtle, the effects are powerful.
Craniosacral Therapy and Integrative Bodywork are an amazing combination creating a truly holistic massage. experience.

Integrated & Holistic Bodywork
Integrated & Holistic Bodywork starts from the premise that your body experience is related to, rooted in and cannot be separated from your emotional and mental context. These holistic massage sessions offer a space for personal exploration of the relationship between your physical pain and tension and your life and emotional world.
What to expect
The beauty of Motion Massage is that it is a creative and collaborative combination of mindfulness, and bodywork designed to meet your specific needs. There are no prescribed sequences.
If your body is hurting, we relieve the pain by using traditional bodywork techniques. If you are struggling with chronic issues that may have an emotional component, we focus on navigating those challenges with the help of Integrative Bodywork. Sometimes we’ll use a single modality during our time together, but often it will be a mix.

Here are some examples of what a session may look like:
Receive a thoroughly gratifying Deep Tissue Massage on the massage table and then stretch all the muscles that we just worked the knots out of.
Combine Thai Massage with Integrative Bodywork to both release the physical tightness in your muscles as well as to discover insights about the underlying causes of your tension.
Begin with Craniosacral Therapy to get deeply connected to the body, and transition to Integrative Bodywork allowing your innate wisdom to guide the session.
Regardless of the techniques we use, the foundation for all Motion Massage sessions is mindfulness. In an atmosphere of mindfulness we are able to listen to your body and to tap into a deep source of information and wisdom to help you learn about and resolve the causes of your discomfort. Everything we do together is done slowly and patiently, at a pace that allows you to stay fully present to your experience.
Motion Massage sessions always start with a check-in, a longer one the first time you come in, shorter ones for subsequent visits. During the check in we talk about the issues you want to address and the goals for our work together. Based on that information, together we come up with a basic flow for your session and possibly a longer range vision if we’ll be working together regularly.
Sessions end with time for reflection and integration. I’ll also give you suggestions for continuing the work on your own. This may include certain stretches, hydrotherapy, or self-massage, as well as practices to increase body awareness so you can become more aware of the interconnectedness of your physical, emotional and mental experiences.

Motion Massage is a holistic form of bodywork that offers you more vitality and flow in how you move through life. What makes Motion Massage unique, is the option to include Integrative Bodywork along with traditional massage modalities. Some of the benefits of working in this integrative, somatic fashion are increased body awareness, more emotional fluidity, and the alignment of body, mind, and emotions.
"When you touch one thing with deep awareness, you touch everything."
-Lao Tzu
Felix’s commitment to deepening awareness has been a life-long journey. In his early teens, he moved to the U.S. from Germany and lived in a spiritual commune where he was exposed to alternative healing methods. In complete contrast, he spent his early adulthood honing his left brain as a technician and electrical engineer. When life in a cubicle started to suffocate his soul, Felix started a regular practice of dance and yoga that gave him the resources to move beyond geekdom into a new career as a massage therapist and ecstatic dance facilitator. Felix attended the Oregon School of Massage and focused on Therapeutic Bodywork and Craniosacral Therapy. He graduated in 2003, and became a licensed massage therapist the same year. He has since completed continuing education in Thai Massage, Myofascial Release, and Deep Tissue Massage, among other techniques. He has also received training in Integrative Bodywork at the Institute of Mindful Experiential Therapeutic Approaches (M.E.T.A.). Receiving regular supervision from Bill Bowen (Psycho-Physical Therapy) for a number of years, helped him deepen the somatic aspect of his practice. For over 20 years Felix has been passionately supporting people on their path to self-discovery, health and wholeness. He is able to encourage vulnerability and transformation in his clients through creating an atmosphere that is full of playfulness, reverent irreverence, compassion and empathy. Felix is the creator and founder of Motion Massage, and co-founder of Sacred Circle and Mindful Meltdown Ecstatic Dance.